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Workshops, Trainings, Performances

For 'non-singers' who want to claim back their vocal power  


For activists who want to co-create harmony with nature through sounding

For curious singers who want to deepen their knowledge about the unseen process in singing


For teachers and students of the arts who want to learn more about the practice of vocally enchanting 

For women who want to feel their powerful connection to nature and the sacred feminine 

For Lemurian souls who want to come together and remember


For humans who want to learn more about water, their voice and their potential

My favourite place to hold this space for wisdom about water and our vibrations to sink in, is in water, giving you an immersive and direct, powerful experience; however, it is equally powerful 'on land'. 


Voice lessons with water

In the sea or on land

One-to-one or in a group

Learn about water's wisdom

And the enchanting power of your voice

Sounding Circles in the Sea

Explore your voice anew in, with and through water

Connect to your wild, true nature

Feel you are creating change

Your voice matters

Women's Circles on Siren song

A space to embrace your ancient song

With each other and with water

Let us follow the call

And with our ocean sing

Performances in and for the Sea

Float, swim, walk and listen

Experience the mythic power of song

Be in unity with sound

Immersed in vibrations

I give these voice and water experiences in the UK and Sweden. I also share my work online. I am open to collaborating for retreats and speaking engagements on the topics of my offerings.

Contact me for more information.

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